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Help people who have ME/CFS and Long COVID live better lives.

The life changing services provided by ME Support are not readily available through the public health system - our funding comes entirely from kind and generous donations and grants.

Donate now

Your donation will help provide:

Funds a check-in phone call to an isolated client to make sure they are okay, provide emotional support and check their needs.

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Enables a Support Group meeting where people with ME/CFS and Long COVID can connect, gain information and improve their wellbeing.

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Helps us advocate for someone with ME/CFS or Long COVID, helping them access appropriate medical care, housing or financial support.

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Provides for a home

visit, needs assessment and illness management

plan, to lay the path for a patient's wellness journey.

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Covers a crisis response for a vulnerable client, such as suicide prevention or for someone housebound with little support.

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Means we can develop

a new programme or resources that will benefit hundreds of people with ME/CFS or Long COVID for years to come.

Thank you.

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