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Over 45,000 New Zealanders are affected by ME/CFS
and Long COVID

ME Support (formerly ME Auckland) is a charity helping New Zealanders with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Long COVID and their whānau or carers.

I would not have managed to overcome many of the challenges and obstacles I have faced since my diagnosis if it hadn’t been for the support of my Client Support Coordinator, and ME Support."

Member from Central Auckland

Winter Newsletter 2024
Winter Newsletter 2024 Pic_edited.jpg



With winter being a time to hunker down, stay warm and eat hot nourishing food, in this newsletter we bring you a couple of simple recipe ideas requiring minimal energy. We also have an excellent article from a member on the importance of language around ME, an informative article on Menopause from our Community Support Coordinator, links to great resources and our usual important updates and event dates.

AGM 2023 Event 
with Guest Speaker Dr Karl Morten
Understanding the Underlying Biology
Behind ME/CFS
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support services
disability advocate
support group
support for members

Can you help us?

ME Support is funded entirely by grants and donations.

By donating you will be helping to provide valuable services that are not readily available through the public health system.

Symptom management is the key to managing these illnesses, enabling people with ME/CFS and Long COVID being able to live their best life.

Donate now by clicking the button below, or scroll down to read more about ME/CFS and Long COVID, and the services we provide to help the people who have them.


About ME/CFS and Long COVID

ME/CFS and Long COVID are complex chronic physical illnesses made up of many debilitating symptoms and can continue for years.

Some people with ME/CFS and Long COVID only have mild symptoms that impact some of their daily lives, however the majority are not able to work, or can only work part time.  Some are mostly housebound (or even bedbound)  and require daily support for their basic needs.


ME/CFS and Long COVID also affects our tamariki (children) who are often not able to attend kura (school) and unable to live the life of a normal child. 

Over 45,000 New Zealanders are affected - that's 4x more people than Parkinson’s Disease or Multiple Sclerosis. 

The number of affected people is rapidly expanding due to Long COVID.  Around 10-20% of people who had COVID-19 go on to have Long COVID. 

can not work
or attend school



are classed as
having a disability


are bed-bound - many more are unable to leave their homes
Support Coordinators

Our Community Support Coordinators help our members with community connection, illness management information, and more.

Support Groups

​Our online support groups  are open to anyone across Aotearoa with ME or Long COVID or their whanau/carers.  

We have a Facebook Support group (ME/CFS Support Group NZ, and monthly online support groups during the day, with either a guest speaker or discussion topic. 

Medical Information

Important medical information including how to manage symptoms, information on related conditions, and information for whānau, carers and medical professionals.

What we do

ME Support is a charitable organisation dedicated to helping people with ME/CFS and Long COVID and their whānau or carers get the support they need to manage their illness and improve their quality of life.

Some of the services we provide include:



"ME Support has been an invaluable support service to me since I was diagnosed with ME/CFS. They have been helpful to me in many crucial ways; providing support groups, information resources, seminars and talks by leading experts, and most importantly, being available to individual members through their caring and helpful team of Client Support Coordinators, of which mine has been a true lifeline.

She has connected me with other helpful services and even attended medical and social welfare appointments as a support person to my needs and to my diagnosis. But above all she has been a listening ear and an assurance that I am not alone in this experience. ME/CFS is a cruel and difficult condition to live with, and the work of ME Support is vital, especially in a society where ME/CFS is still not always recognised as genuine and sufferers face great barriers to success. I would not have managed to overcome many of the challenges and obstacles I have faced since my diagnosis if it hadn’t been for the support of my Client Support Coordinator, and ME Support. I am extremely grateful. With thanks" Client from Central Auckland

"I just want to share a testimony and thank you for your endless support and advocacy through my journey with severe me and pots. I have had contact with Natalie through email and phone calls several times and she has been amazing. From general wellbeing support and advice to getting support with winz and disability nz. Without her knowledge and encouragement I probably wouldn't be here today.

Natalie ended up helping me eventually getting home support care through nurse maude which has allowed me to stay in my home and have a little bit more independence. Through having a needs assessment done which was facilitated through her I have an Occupational therapist and a neurophysio and have found an amazing integrative Dr which has made my life a bit more tolerable. I can not say thank you enough for the ongoing support and without this support I know there would be a lot of lost people out there. Yours sincerely" Client from Marlborough

Our work wouldn't be possible without our supporters and individual donors. 

ME Support is truly grateful to the following organisations, whose generosity allows us to continue providing services to those who need it. We would like to thank them for supporting New Zealanders affected by ME/CFS and Long COVID.

Girl sleeping with eye mask

Contact us

Please contact us via the form below if you would like to know more about our work or if you have any other questions. 


If you would like to become a member for free, please click here to complete our membership form and one of our Client Support Coordinators will send you a welcome pack and be in touch to discuss your needs. 

Thanks, we'll get back to you soon!

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